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Saturday, October 27, 2012

▻You Only Live Once◅

▲You Only Live Once - The Strokes▲

Probably one of the only mainstream rocksongs that is okay to listen to. Although it's a famous, popular song and has OVER 14.500.000 VIEWS (ugh...), it's still a pretty hipsterish song, since they started saying You Only Live Once before it was cool. The Strokes' song came out in 2005, and then Drake (and also Suicide Silence) totally ripped of the statement in 2011 (so unhipster!) 

If you're a real hipster, you think The Strokes' version is way better than Drake's, and if you knew it back in 2005 before it was cool, like Rosa and I, you're really awesome and hipstamazing, and we will send you a lot of hipsterlove ♥ ∆

And everyone else who doesn't know it, go listen to it, it would be really good for you.

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