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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Now I'm sick....

So, now it's my turn to be sick... So it's nice to get a little break from my stressed, daily life as a social hipster, but i miss Emma, my best-hipster-friend-ever! So, do you remember when owls were totally in?? I do, and of course i couldn't follow thetrend, cause hipsters set trends, not follow them.. Well, the owls are soooooo out of the mainstream picture now, so it's okay for us to wear them! And to you my fellow hipsters, my advice is, grab the nearest thing with an owl resemblance or an owl on it, and wear it like the real hipsters you truly are! Just like us:|100;d|FX7nLFnKrfAHaM look at these lovely shirts, totally putting that on my x-mas list! A picture of me and my owl will come later!

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