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Thursday, October 11, 2012


First of ll, i just want to say that i completely share Emm's opinion on the french movies! If you want to be cool and hipster, watch movies in the film Noir genre, or watch a bunch of unknown french movies, because french movies are like rt. They can make no sense to somebody, and a lot of sense to those who understand the real meaning of art (like Emm, I, and other hipsters).

So my friends and i went to the oper, cause the cinema is so mainstream. They wanted to try to be hipster, so they asked me to take this picture of them. Obviously, you can't just try to be a hipster either you are a hipster, or you aren't a hipster. And if you're reading this blog, Simone and Daniel, I'm very sorry to break the news of your unhipsterness this way, but i still like you ∆∆∆

Lot's of love to you, my hipster followers, or the ones trying to be hipsters;


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