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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Quality coffee in chemistry class▲▼▲▼▲▼▲

Right now we're in the middle of chemistry class, enjoying nice organic cup of quality coffee. It is only okay to drink the same drink as another person when it's your best hipster-friend, so that's what we are doing ∆ ∆ ∆

✝ Have a lovely, hipstertastic day 
- Rosa & Emma

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Now I'm sick....

So, now it's my turn to be sick... So it's nice to get a little break from my stressed, daily life as a social hipster, but i miss Emma, my best-hipster-friend-ever! So, do you remember when owls were totally in?? I do, and of course i couldn't follow thetrend, cause hipsters set trends, not follow them.. Well, the owls are soooooo out of the mainstream picture now, so it's okay for us to wear them! And to you my fellow hipsters, my advice is, grab the nearest thing with an owl resemblance or an owl on it, and wear it like the real hipsters you truly are! Just like us:|100;d|FX7nLFnKrfAHaM look at these lovely shirts, totally putting that on my x-mas list! A picture of me and my owl will come later!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

▻You Only Live Once◅

▲You Only Live Once - The Strokes▲

Probably one of the only mainstream rocksongs that is okay to listen to. Although it's a famous, popular song and has OVER 14.500.000 VIEWS (ugh...), it's still a pretty hipsterish song, since they started saying You Only Live Once before it was cool. The Strokes' song came out in 2005, and then Drake (and also Suicide Silence) totally ripped of the statement in 2011 (so unhipster!) 

If you're a real hipster, you think The Strokes' version is way better than Drake's, and if you knew it back in 2005 before it was cool, like Rosa and I, you're really awesome and hipstamazing, and we will send you a lot of hipsterlove ♥ ∆

And everyone else who doesn't know it, go listen to it, it would be really good for you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Music ∆

OMG! this is the most hipster music in the world!

∆∆∆∆∆ Rosa & Emma ∆∆∆∆∆

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

☽ Sick ☾

So I've been sick today, which sucks. But at least that meant that I didn't have to go to school, which is like one of the most un-hipster places ever. So I've just been relaxing in front of the computer, drinking my organic tea.

Here is a inspirational quote for all our hipster followers. I hope it will help you in your life's as much as it has helped me ∆ ∆ ∆

▲ Have a lovely, hipstamazing day ▲

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Instagram on the web?

Hello hipsters (and i presume Instagram lovers)!

Did you know know that you can use Instagram on the web? Well, if you didn't, know you do! It's called Webstagram, and you can logon with your instagram user! I discovered this site some time ago, and was thrilled, though i like instagram a bit better. :)

If you want to  follow me on insta- or/and webstagram; my username is rozmo:))

Have an insta mazing day hipstah's!

My friend and i eating "ricecookies" covered i dark chocolate.. I don't know if it's sold anywhere outside Scandinavia 

Monday, October 22, 2012


"Just another manic monday" 
Even though it's like the most mainstream thing to do, i really hate mondays! I didn't get mutch sleep last night, because it really is mainstream going early to bed and sleeping on sundays. So i decided to try something new. But as all of you might know, being sleep-deprived on a monday morning, when you have to go to school, really isn't that smart.

So i was awfully tired (go figure), and needed something sweet, to wake me up.
I decided to pack these white and purple carrots in my lunch-"box".
They're completely organic, and no colour is added. It's all natural!

And they taste just like regular carrots, just like Emma and i are made of exactly the same things as regular homo sapiens, but in some way, we are different. 
Just like white and purple carrots! 

† † † Vacation is over (sigh) † † †

Both Rosa and I haven't been so active on our blog these days, but even hipsters need vacation. Now we're back to school, and we're going to post updates daily again.

So I've had a really nice vacation! Even though it's pretty mainstream I've just been seeing friends and relaxing like normal people. The other day I went shopping with my friend Mathias, and we found this small, unknown hotdog stand "Hanegal", where they sold organic hotdogs. Since Mathias also is a very committed hipster, he chose a delicious tofu hotdog.

We had a really nice trip where we we're just standing in the rain, thinking about life, eating our organic hotdogs. 'Cause shopping on a shopping trip is way too mainstream! 

Rosa and I hope you'll have a lovely day, talk to you soon! ∆ ∆ ∆

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Don't worry, We're still alive∆

So our small, one-week, break will soon be over, and then it's back to school again. Urhg, i just want to live life, and have all sorts of new experiences, and see places, not go to school. Also, school=mainstream. Do you know how many people go to school? There's a lot, i mean seriously A LOT!

So i just want to share a picture with you guys. It was taken just before the break. These are some of my friends, who took my camera with them on a small boat-ride ;))

I didn't spend too much time with the editing of the pictures and on the collage, because i was in a rush to see this new underground band play a secret concert! ∆ delta foreve

Thursday, October 11, 2012


First of ll, i just want to say that i completely share Emm's opinion on the french movies! If you want to be cool and hipster, watch movies in the film Noir genre, or watch a bunch of unknown french movies, because french movies are like rt. They can make no sense to somebody, and a lot of sense to those who understand the real meaning of art (like Emm, I, and other hipsters).

So my friends and i went to the oper, cause the cinema is so mainstream. They wanted to try to be hipster, so they asked me to take this picture of them. Obviously, you can't just try to be a hipster either you are a hipster, or you aren't a hipster. And if you're reading this blog, Simone and Daniel, I'm very sorry to break the news of your unhipsterness this way, but i still like you ∆∆∆

Lot's of love to you, my hipster followers, or the ones trying to be hipsters;



†Just got these new glasses!†

I love my new glasses!!! I look so intellectual with them on. They say hipster, but not in an uncool, annoying way that those square hipster glasses, that have become SO mainstream, do! 
∆Round glasses are definitely the new hipster∆ 
Rosa and I can both agree on that statement.

Right now i'm just relaxing at home with some organic tea. It's delicious fairtrade tea from the danish teabrand ∆Fredsted∆ that nobody knows. 
To our followers, I hope you have a hipstamazing day † † †

†††S∆R∆H'S KEY†††

Just watched the french movie ∆Sarah's key∆ in my french class. It's a pretty cool film, because it's french obviously and it was also a very interesting movie. Sadly it has won too many prices and is way too known for me to like it, but if you're not as cool and hipster as I am, you should watch it. If you want to watch a good french film you should watch ∆Les adoptés∆ ∆À l'aventure∆ ∆No et moi∆ and ∆Des vents contraires∆They are all really obscure and you need to have a very high level of intelligense to understand them, also nobody knows them, so they're obviously amazing and really cool††††††††

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

† Hot Chocolate †

So as real hipsters, you all probably know that the hipster-black coffee era is over.
Coffee has been switched out with Hot Chocolate, but of course it's still aloud to drink coffee, it just isn't THE hot beverage to drink right at the moment.  
So i decided to spend some alone time with a lovely cup of Hot choc. to go, though i really missed EmmΔ's  company.
So i decided to be totally antisocial, and read a book, cuzz being social is also really mainstream. But even a hipster has to socialize sometimes. 


∆Organic tea∆

St. Martin's Tearooms - Merchants of the Finest Tea & Coffee

One of my big dreams is to go to one of St. Martin's Tearooms. It is good quality, 100% organic tea, and therefore it is a bit expensive. It costs 35 pounds for two persons. Unfortunately it is way to mainstream to own any money, so i probably won't be going there anytime soon. At least not until money becomes hipster again.

Δ Deep Lunch Δ

OMG! we had the greatest lunch ever!Δ
    We had one of those deep talks, that only shared souls can have! And we really believe we have to pieces of the same soul in us! 

             The food as well, was delish. Emma had a delicate china box (YAY cheep food),           and i had a very tasty home-cooked pasta dish, with chicken, salad, and carrots..      
   Mmmm.... It was just as peaceful as this song, which is how i feel our friendship isΔΔΔ

It's a band called Hymns from Nineveh with their song So mournful the Elegy, so comforting the Hymn

Δ Cathrine Swagger Rahbek Δ

This post is dedicated to our cool swagger friend @cathrinerahbek. She's so cool and pretty, and she smokes because she's really freakin' #YOLO.
Follow her on instagram as @cathrinerahbek to see lots of cool hipster photos!
Love heeeeeeer! ΔΔΔ

Smoking Marlboro Light today in my school break. Omg school is so boring, think I'm gonna drop out and start my own blog... 
I've been thinking about starting my own blog for a long time, but right now i just live my "blogger-dream" throughout my instagram...
- Cat RahbekΔ

∆∆∆ Late night homework ∆∆∆

Just a little post before i go to bed 
I'm just doing my homework (uhrg mainstream much?), so i thought all of you lovely hipsters might need a nice photo... Remeber, choose youre friends with care! 
∆∆∆    ∆∆∆    ∆∆∆

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

i†'s rΔining

ΔΔΔ                                                                                                                                                    ΔΔΔ
It's raining sheeps and cows outside. So i decided to watch "For all mankind".
It's a documentary, about how the Astronauts feel, when they see our beautiful Earth from space.
This is just so touching, and there are so beautiful shots of our dear Mother Earth ΔΔΔ

Meanwhile, I'm drinking Organic tea.

All good things come in three right? ΔΔΔ

Monday, October 8, 2012

ΔRetro pianoΔ

So much cooler and hipster than regular piano's Δ

Δ Just when you thought it could'nt get any better...

Okay, so we know this song is like, totally 2011.. Pretty out dated, we know, we know.
Still it's a song that brings a lot of emotion out in us Δ Δ

This is from their last album Into the murky water and is called This Phantom Life.

We hope you all will enjoy this piece of musik, which, surely you already have heard, like, a million times.


Remember when...Δ

Δ Remember when everybody thought these were ugly, but at least they were hipster Δ

Now it's kind of mainstream to have owned  pair of Doc Martens.

Still gotta love that amazing striped dress in picture 1 ΔΔΔ soo AWSOME

† Maps & Atlases †

Loved this song back in 2010 before it was cool. Now it's waaaay to mainstream. Such a waste of good, talented musicians.

OMG! Love her style †

Our first Δ Δ Δ post

We are very excited to start this new blog!

This blog is going to be about what we, as true hipsters, like to do, read, etc.

 We'll blog about our daily lives, our visits to the local café's, coffee shops, tea shops and all the 

delicious bakerys of the very Hipster Country of Denmark!

This is a song, that we're so obsessed with right now!!!  Los Jardines de bruselas are so amazing!

Δ we Δ love Δ triangles Δ and Δ other Δ people Δ who Δ love Δ triangles Δ as Δ much Δ as  Δ we Δ do Δ