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Monday, November 19, 2012


So recently we've found out that our blog have a uruguayan viewer! ††† So we decided to dedicate this post to Uruguay and our uruguayan viewer, because we love Uruguay so much, since it is such a unknown hipster country.

Did you know that the first world cup in football took place in Uruguay? And that they also were the first country to win? We can without doubt conclude that they did it waaaay before it was cool ∆

I've also found this picture of some uruguayan hipsters, probably dancing to some underground, unknown, indie uruguayan music. I've never seen clothes like that, but i simply adore their unique style. I hope it will catch on in other indie cultures around the world (but not too much though) ▼ 

Also check out this hipstastic urugayan song i found:
† Simply love it †
I don't understand it, but it looks so deep ∆

Uruguayan hipster viewer, thank you for making us discover your country, we think it's so hipstamazing that you read our blog and live in like the most hipsterish country ever!
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆  KEEP ON READING ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

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