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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A crowded head!

 Hey all our Hipstamazing followers 

I have had one of those days, where my head just feels clogged. You can't think creative thoughts, because mainstream people have been filling your head with indifferent stuff. To relieve my head from the pain of having all these non-hipster thoughts, i decided to take a walk in a very beautiful forrest nearby. 

It really gave me a lot of inspiration, so i made this!

So it isn't really green, this time of year, it's this magical red, orange and brown. 
So my advice for you guys is:
Find the nearest park, forrest, pathway, anything that has something to do with real nature, really.
Take a walk, and feel the creative vibes flood your mind
That's what we do, when it all gets a little too mainstream

Emma & Rosa

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