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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012


So recently we've found out that our blog have a uruguayan viewer! ††† So we decided to dedicate this post to Uruguay and our uruguayan viewer, because we love Uruguay so much, since it is such a unknown hipster country.

Did you know that the first world cup in football took place in Uruguay? And that they also were the first country to win? We can without doubt conclude that they did it waaaay before it was cool ∆

I've also found this picture of some uruguayan hipsters, probably dancing to some underground, unknown, indie uruguayan music. I've never seen clothes like that, but i simply adore their unique style. I hope it will catch on in other indie cultures around the world (but not too much though) ▼ 

Also check out this hipstastic urugayan song i found:
† Simply love it †
I don't understand it, but it looks so deep ∆

Uruguayan hipster viewer, thank you for making us discover your country, we think it's so hipstamazing that you read our blog and live in like the most hipsterish country ever!
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆  KEEP ON READING ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
So we are in Physics, and here's what i found on this funny website, that i will link below..
It's the triangulum Galaxy! OMG! How come we discover the most hiptastic things in Phyiscs??

Here is the link for the website:
It is kind of nerdy, but the discriptions on several of the things there, are hilarious ▲▼▲▼

Friday, November 16, 2012

∆ ∆ ∆ Importance of hipsters ∆ ∆ ∆

This post will mainly be about how important i think myself and and all other true hipsters are to the universe. Hipsters are unique. We are the ones fighting the mainstream everyday. And therefore the universe appreciates us, even though we're tiny human beings (or not just human beings, we hipsters are our own kind and a different kind from the mainstream human). My theory is that if hipsters didn't exist, everyone would be exactly the same. Everyone would have the same style, music taste and the same opinions. Hipsters affect mankind in a way so people choose to be different (because of all the people who wants to be like us). If you're a true hipster you probably often get annoyed with all those wannabe hipsters (ugh...), but just remember that this is how we stop the mainstream.

The universe would be nothing without us. Keep on being different and unique ▲▼▲▼▲▼

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Online Shopping for ∆Real Hipsters∆

Even though online shopping is extremely mainstream, but sometimes you just have to buy some clothes!
I don't always have the time to go vintage- and second-hand shopping, so i have to settle for online shopping.

So i found this website, it's super cool. It can seem a bit mainstream at first, but you just have to search real well, and you'll find the good hipster-stuff!
This is a link to a pretty hipster t-shirt!

This picture shows how you can choose to dress when it's fall. It's all about the earth-colours, and being connected to the nature, which is ALWAYS important, if you want to be a real hipster

Delt∆ Love


Monday, November 12, 2012

Just a normal abnormal hipsterlicious school day

I realized, doing my meditation, while drinking origanic tea, that school isnt the most hip thing (Did you know: hip seems so mainstream, but that acutally makes it more hipsterlicious and unmainstream), though i made it hipster in my math class with my two friends, BΔrtil and
Δmalie, thinking about triangles and other hipster shapes.

Delta over and out:

Black rainbow just spoke hipsterlicious words in mathclass, btw so proud to be on this blog.  

Male hipsters

As a member of the this amazing hipster blog, i would like to introduce myself:
My name is Mathias, code name: black rainbow and i am one of the newest members of ∆ The Real Hipsters

Now i would like to talk about a very important subject. Me.
I wouldnt call myself a hipster, cause thats just way to mainstream. I am an undergroundish indie/delta hipster.

Male hipsters nowadays hide them self, behind round glasses and big mustaches. That is just way too wrong. As a male hipster i find it extremely important, not to follow the archetype of a male hipster. As a male member of this amazing blog. I will change the principles of a male hipster. 

Delta over and out.
Black rainbow just spoke hipsterlicious words. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The most Galactic person in the world

Hey guys,
I want to dedicate this post to the most galactic, hipstahmazing, hiptastic friend in the world.
She is the sweetest, and my only true hipsterfriend, without her, i would have turned mainstream!

She is the meaning of the word hipster, so i made this photo for her!

I like you more than i like triangles

When the rain is blowin in your face♪

It started raining
All the mainstreamers started to complain about how they'd rather want sunshine.
Well, i like to follow this saying: "If there isn't sunshine, make your own" which is depicted in this photo

 Δ we Δ love Δ triangles Δ and Δ other Δ people Δ who Δ love Δ triangles Δ as Δ much Δ as  Δ we Δ do Δ

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A crowded head!

 Hey all our Hipstamazing followers 

I have had one of those days, where my head just feels clogged. You can't think creative thoughts, because mainstream people have been filling your head with indifferent stuff. To relieve my head from the pain of having all these non-hipster thoughts, i decided to take a walk in a very beautiful forrest nearby. 

It really gave me a lot of inspiration, so i made this!

So it isn't really green, this time of year, it's this magical red, orange and brown. 
So my advice for you guys is:
Find the nearest park, forrest, pathway, anything that has something to do with real nature, really.
Take a walk, and feel the creative vibes flood your mind
That's what we do, when it all gets a little too mainstream

Emma & Rosa

Sunday, November 4, 2012

∆ I want that sweater! ∆

This is like the coolest, most amazing sweater in the world! ∆ I want it so bad...

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Rosa and I are in the middle of chemistry class and have just discovered the most hipster molecule ever! This is galactose, which reminded us very much of the word galaxy, and as you know, galaxy is pretty hipster...

✯  And again, we will post a los Jardines de Bruselas song, because they are just so good, and hipster. They aren't even on spotify, or youtube. The song is very galactic and dreamy!

Have a galactic day ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
- Rosa & Emma