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Friday, August 30, 2013

So many deep thoughts

Hello my hipster followers ∆

So it has now been a while since i last updated this blog. But it isn't without reason. Sometimes i just get so caught up in my thoughts about life. I'm constantly philosophizing about how important we, as hipsters, are to the universe, how big of a difference we make, and what we must to safe humanity from the norm. And sometimes all of these clever thoughts in my head, just makes me forget all about this blog, and how important it is to spread our hipsterness (to other hipsters of course, not to mainstream people ugh!)

What i want to say is that i will try to share my deep thoughts more frequantly. I won't say i'm sorry, that is of course way too mainstream! But i will do my best to make all of you guys better hipsters, and one day maybe even half as good a hipster as me ∆ ∆ ∆

- Emm∆ 

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