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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Inspiration is the key to hipster creation

Get inspired, go create.
The world of a true hipster revolves around creating.
Music, art - keep it underground.
Keep it real.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Hipster has no age

No matter if you 80 og 2, hipsterism is for everyone!

One of our very close friends, and a very cool hipster, Kajsa, has a dad that doesn't give a DELTA about what other people think.

He is hipster and proud.

These leopard sneaks are a very brave statement made by a very brave man.
Stig is hipster, Hipster is Stig.
Stig made Kajsa the hipster she is today - Hipster from one generation to another.

Δ Love

Friday, August 30, 2013

So many deep thoughts

Hello my hipster followers ∆

So it has now been a while since i last updated this blog. But it isn't without reason. Sometimes i just get so caught up in my thoughts about life. I'm constantly philosophizing about how important we, as hipsters, are to the universe, how big of a difference we make, and what we must to safe humanity from the norm. And sometimes all of these clever thoughts in my head, just makes me forget all about this blog, and how important it is to spread our hipsterness (to other hipsters of course, not to mainstream people ugh!)

What i want to say is that i will try to share my deep thoughts more frequantly. I won't say i'm sorry, that is of course way too mainstream! But i will do my best to make all of you guys better hipsters, and one day maybe even half as good a hipster as me ∆ ∆ ∆

- Emm∆ 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A guide to Hipster

Even though most of you hopefully don't need a guide to be true hipster, we thought we would give you some advice anyway.
If you really want to know how to be a true hipster and stay cool, you should ask this guy:
Good Luck,


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Real Hipster Music?

If you are wondering what is the most hispter music to listen to?
- Well you may think the answer would be "Alt-j".
But, our fellow hipsters, that answer is way to obvious. Especially if you are a MAC user.
Granted, they are good, and if you are a macbook user, their name will make ∆ (delta).
The only problem is, they are just too mainstream.

You have 2 options if you want to listen to Real Hipster music:
1. Find a Uruguayan folk music band.
2. Go to and follow this guide:

And there you go.

Alt-j from me

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How hipsters do it? Question mark?

Tomorrow is one of the most important days in our galaxy. Friday. The day we've all been waiting for. All the other days are incomparable to this day. Some would might say saturday, but it just dosent contain the vibe of a friday. This deltaday is where we live our lifes to the fullest. The day where we're free from all the undeltaness. Friday is a rebirth of hipsterosity. Or is it? Question mark? Even though, im so exiceted and i can't wait to delta in the most delta way there is! I hereby declare friday as deltaday!

Delta over and out
- Black rainbow    

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mainstream music

As a true hipster, i feel like to known music is way too wrong listening to! Or maybe it's not? Question mark?For example the very well known Amelie Poulain song that everybody knows, does still seem to be very popular around the hipster society, even though it's so famous? Why? Question mark? Truely those people are not true hipsters and do not deserve the deltaness. We the true hipsters are so sick of all this fake deltaness. If you want to be a part of the cult you need to quit the mainstream music, even though you may like it. If it's not hipster, then it's nothing. Worthless trash. As a true hipster i feel like i need to deltadiss everyone, who declares themselves true hipsters, but still listens to mainstream music. It is one of the worst crimes in the delta law. 

Delta over and out
- Black rainbow
Question mark?  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Deltication

This is a dedication to our dear friend Cathrine Swagger Rahbek.
She left our lives so sudden and so unexpected. We miss her very much indeed.
So to show her how important she has been to us, and this blog we have made a poem:

Trójkąt jest centrum mojego istnienia
Świat nie kręci się wokół Słońca
Galaktyka jest największe znaczenie
galaktyczny, trójkątne, spektakularne

The poem is in polish, because she is half polak.
Here is the link to the post she made on this blog:

Don't worry, she is not dead..