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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Even though we don't like christmas.. ∆

Even though christmas is one of the most mainstream times of the year, it is allright to please your family, by joining them for dinner. So, that's what i did, because family drama at christmas time, is also very mainstream.

My family also chose to ignore the fact that i had told them not to give me presents. 
But my sister was so sweet! Look at what she gave me! A pair of DELTA earrings, wrapped in galactic wrapping paper! I am so proud of her.

Merry non-christmas to my favorite true hipsters

Thursday, December 13, 2012

We knew them first...∆

Hey Hipsters
We know that some of the pictures below, display mainstream artists and characters... We just want to say:
We heard, watched and knew them before they 
became mainstream
delta love

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hipster party ∆

So this weekend Rosa and I went to a simply hipstamazing hipster party. Here are some pictures that caught us while we were having so much fun, philosophizing about life and enjoying our hipsterness (totally not taken by us)

At the party there were a lot of hipsters (like our friend Laura on second picture). But as usual nobody were as hipsters as us and some of them were a little too mainstream for us to talk to. Sigh... It's so hard to be a true hipster sometimes... But besides that Rosa and I had a lot of fun, and they only played underground indie music so we survived.

Have a hipstertastic evening † † †
- Emm∆

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012


As hipsters we of course hate christmas, because it's like one of the most mainstream things ever! Therefore we will try to avoid making any christmas posts. Unless it's to show how much we hate it, or if have found a ultra hipster tradition/song/thing that nobody have ever heard of and that we will follow. 

But now let's have a positive sight on december, and focus on the lovely winter fashion! Just adore these outfits ∆

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Electric Organ for sale ∆

Hey all you fabulous, hipsterlicious blog-followers
So great news for all hipster-musicians!
There's an electric organ for sale, here in denmark.
Very cheap, and very useful if you want to make good hiptastic music

Tjek it out: 

Our friend Mgnus is selling this, so it's legit!
Emm and I, already have an Electric Organ, so that's is why you guys are getting the chance to say yes to this amazing instrument, AND getting it for almost no money! It would be dumb to say no

Delta over and out